Lilia Waikiki Apartments
Lilia Waikiki Apartments
- Client: Brookfield Properties
- Architect: Ben Woo Architects
- Contract Amount: $7.9 Million
- Category: Specialty; Low Rise Residential
- Photo Credit: Brookfield Properties / Hawkins Biggins
Project Description
Following a rigorous design-assist RFP process, new owner Brookfield Properties selected Allied Builders for precon and construction services for the affordable housing component of this unique residential development. Intensive VE collaboration brought the project within budget without compromising project objectives. Under this D-A contract, four buildings (Beachside 1 & 2, Waikiki Regent & Queen Emma) were completely renovated and renamed as Lilia Waikiki Apartments. The 3-story concrete walkups, 53 units total, were gutted then upgraded with new amenities and energy efficient components. Remediation of building facades, corridors, stairs, and parking areas provide a fresh look for new tenants and surrounding neighbors.